Tag: data management

Secure Your CRM Data with Zoho’s Admin Backup, Recycle Bin, and Audit Trail

Protecting Your CRM Data: Zoho’s Admin Backup, Recycle Bin, and Audit Trail As a business owner or sales manager, you understand the importance of keeping your customer relationship management (CRM) data secure, accurate, and accessible. But what happens when a salesperson accidentally deletes a valuable lead, or when changes to your CRM data are made Learn More “Secure Your CRM Data with Zoho’s Admin Backup, Recycle Bin, and Audit Trail”

Secure Windows and Office for your work from home staff

Microsoft’s software offerings are filled with features that allow and even augment enterprise work from home (WFH) setups without sacrificing security. Here are some updates about the company’s applications, as well as other common third-party applications in the Windows and Office ecosystems, which will ensure data security when you’re working remotely. Before the pandemic broke Learn More “Secure Windows and Office for your work from home staff”